How to survive your vacation
How to Survive Your Vacation
Being hungry makes you mad so bring snack to stop that from happing. They also give you energy. some great healthy snacks would be granola bars, dried frut, pretzels, and ceral.
You also need to make sure that you don't get dehudrated. Bring a water bottled, and if you are flying bring an empty one to fill up at the air port.
The worst way to end a vacation is to lose your phone. Take a picture of your phonenumber and a message asking that if anyone finds your phone that they call you. (make sure you put a diffrent number down then the number for the phone that you are doing this to) Make that picture your screen saver in case it gets lost.
Instead of carrying your phone in your pocket keep a small bag with you at all times so you don't loose your phone.
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